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Violence Against Women in the Workplace



Estimated Amount of Funding


About the training

This important programme focuses on recognising, preventing, and addressing violence and harassment against women in the workplace. It educates participants on legal responsibilities, support systems, and how to create a safe, inclusive, and respectful work environment for all employees.

Maximum Number of participants


Certificate Availability


Training Content

The Violence Against Women in the Workplace training programme aims to raise awareness and equip participants with the knowledge and tools to recognize, prevent, and address violence, harassment, and discrimination against women in the workplace. The course highlights legal responsibilities, supportive policies, and practical strategies to foster a safe, respectful, and inclusive work environment.

Training Objectives and Content:

Understanding Workplace Violence and Harassment:
Learn: The various forms of violence and harassment women may face in the workplace, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.
Content: Types of harassment, abusive behavior, gender-based violence, and the impact on victims and the organization.

Legal Frameworks and Responsibilities:
Learn: The legal obligations of employers and employees to prevent and respond to violence against women.
Content: Relevant laws and regulations (e.g., anti-discrimination laws, workplace safety standards), employer duties, and victim protection mechanisms.

Creating a Safe and Inclusive Workplace:
Learn: How to build and maintain a workplace culture that actively discourages harassment and supports victims.
Content: Establishing clear anti-violence policies, reporting procedures, and support systems for affected employees.

Responding to Incidents and Supporting Victims:
Learn: How to handle reports of violence or harassment effectively and provide support to victims.
Content: Incident response protocols, the role of HR, counseling services, and legal recourse for victims.

Preventative Measures:
Learn: Strategies to prevent violence and harassment in the workplace through training, awareness campaigns, and leadership involvement.
Content: Implementing regular employee training, promoting gender equality, and fostering respect and inclusivity at all levels.

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